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Active users


Affiliated banks


Online merchants


Organizations to donate to









Bizum is born! The private-to-private payment service is launched as a collaborative project of the Spanish banking industry. The objective is to create a universal, simple, immediate and secure method of online payment.

One million bizumers The first million Bizum accounts have been reached, thanks to recommendations and word of mouth. The bizumers community popularizes the expression “make me a bizum”.

The objective of the service is to facilitate the bizumer community to share their solidarity in a quick and easy way and, at the same time, to provide social entities and NGOs with an efficient channel to receive donations.

Bizum makes the leap to e-commerce with the launch of this functionality. It is only necessary to know the phone number to make fast, convenient and secure payments.

10 million bizumers! The community continues to grow driven by the good user experience and the diverse offer of payment methods.

We are 5 years old! The first case of face-to-face payment in the 11,000 points of sale of the State Lottery and Gambling Administrations has arrived. People can pay for their purchases and collect prizes through a QR code.

Bizum Help is born With the aim of helping to help, the platform is launched, bringing people and social causes closer together. More than half of the adult population in Spain is already a Bizum user.

The first Bizum use case not associated with payment is released. With the identifier it is possible to register and log in to online applications and pages. The EuroPA (European Payments Alliance) initiative is launched by Bancomat in Italy and SIBS in Portugal. The aim is to seek interoperability and offer a pan-European service.

38º Premios Aster

Premio a la Innovación Digital

Premios aebrand 2020

Reconocimiento de marca en innovación

XXII Premios Internet

Premio a Mejor Fintech

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Mejor producto fintech 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 y 2022

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